Each Medal has its own ranking by color which is Copper/Silver/Gold meaning the more awards/achievements you get in a certain class ranks up your Medal. Copper being the lowest Gold being the highest. Medals are displayed in-game when you press (tab) showscore button. Other people can also see the medals you have but it doesn't really determine the skill you have in-game. Some people who don't have medals or only a few maybe even be better skill-wise. It's just for Eye-Candy I guess anyway that pretty much sums up what I know. Sorry if Its too long of a read and If there's some grammatical errors, English is not my first language.
Here are some Screenshot's and List of Achievements/Awards of each Class.
Team Tactics
Awardist - Earn all other awards.
Someone Set Up Us The Bomb - Win a round by planting a bomb
Rite of First Defusal - Win a round by defusing a bomb
Second to None - Successfully defuse a bomb with less than one second remaining
Counter-Counter-Terrorist - Kill a Counter-Terrorist while he is defusing the bomb
Short Fuse - Plant a bomb within 25 seconds (excluding Demolition mode)
Participation Award - Kill an enemy within three seconds after they recover a dropped bomb
Clusterstruck - Kill five enemies with a bomb you have planted
Wild Gooseman Chase - As the last living Terrorist, distract a defuser long enough for the bomb to explode
Blast Will and Testament - Win a round by picking up the bomb from a fallen comrade and successfully planting it
Defusus Interruptus - Stop defusing the bomb long enough to kill an enemy, then successfully finish defusing it
Boomala Boomala - Plant 100 bombs
The Hurt Blocker - Defuse 100 bombs successfully
Good Shepherd - Rescue all hostages in a single round
Dead Shepherd - Kill an enemy who is leading the hostages without injuring the hostages
Freed With Speed - Rescue all hostages within 90 seconds
Cowboy Diplomacy - Rescue 100 hostages
SAR Czar - Rescue 500 hostages
Newb World Order - Win ten rounds
Pro-moted - Win 200 rounds
Leet-er of Men - Win 5,000 rounds
Blitzkrieg - Win a round against five enemies in less than thirty seconds
Mercy Rule - Kill the entire opposing team without any members of your team dying
Clean Sweep - Kill the entire opposing team without any members of your team taking any damage
Killanthropist - Donate 100 weapons to your teammates
Cold War - Win a round in which no enemy players die
War Bonds - Earn $125,000 total cash
Spoils of War - Earn $2,500,000 total cash
Blood Money - Earn $50,000,000 total cash
The Cleaner - Kill five enemies in a single round
War of Attrition - Be the last player alive in a round with five players on your team
Piece Initiative - Win 5 Pistol Rounds in Competitive Mode
Give Piece a Chance - Win 25 Pistol Rounds in Competitive Mode
Piece Treaty - Win 250 Pistol Rounds in Competitive Mode
Black Bag Operation - Win a round without making any footstep noise, killing at least one enemy
The Frugal Beret: Win ten rounds without dying or spending any cash
Combat Skills
Body Bagger - Kill 25 enemies.
Corpseman - Kill 500 enemies.
God of War - Kill 10,000 enemies.
Shot With Their Pants Down - Kill an enemy while they are reloading.
Ballistic - Kill four enemy players within fifteen seconds.
Variety Hour - Get kills with five different guns in a single hour.
Battle Sight Zero - Kill 250 enemies with headshots.
Shrapnelproof - Take 80 points of damage from enemy grenades and still survive the round.
Blind Ambition - Kill 25 enemies blinded by flashbangs.
Blind Fury - Kill an enemy while you are blinded from a flashbang.
Spray and Pray - Kill two enemies while you are blinded from a flashbang.
Friendly Firearms - Kill 100 enemies with enemy weapons
Expert Marksman - Get a kill with every weapon
Make the Cut - Win a knife fight
The Bleeding Edge - Win 100 knife fights
Defuse This! - Kill the defuser with an HE grenade
Eye to Eye - Kill a zoomed-in enemy sniper with a sniper rifle of your own
Sknifed - Kill a zoomed-in enemy sniper with a knife
Hip Shot - Kill an enemy with an un-zoomed sniper
Snipe Hunter - Kill 100 zoomed-in enemy snipers
Dead Man Stalking - Kill an enemy while at one health
Street Fighter -Kill an enemy with a knife during the Pistol Round in Competitive Mode
Akimbo King - Use Dual Berettas to kill an enemy player that is also wielding Dual Berettas
Three the Hard Way - Kill three enemies with a single HE grenade
Death From Above - Kill an enemy while you are airborne
Bunny Hunt - Kill an airborne enemy
Aerial Necrobatics - Kill an airborne enemy while you are also airborne
Lost and F0wnd - Kill an enemy with a gun they dropped during the current round.
Ammo Conservation - Kill two enemy players with a single bullet
Points in Your Favor - Inflict 2,500 total points of damage to enemies
You’ve Made Your Points - Inflict 50,000 total points of damage to enemies
A Million Points of Blight - Inflict 1,000,000 total points of damage to enemies
Magic Bullet - Kill an enemy with the last bullet in your magazine (excluding sniper rifles and Zeus x27)
Kill One, Get One Spree - Kill an enemy who is on a killing spree
Primer - Do at least 95% damage to an enemy who is then killed by another player
Finishing Schooled - Kill an enemy who has been reduced to less than 5% health by other players
Target-Hardened - Survive damage from five different enemies within a round
The Unstoppable Force - Kill four enemies within a single round
The Immovable Object - Kill an enemy who has killed four of your teammates within the current round
Head Shred Redemption - Kill five enemy players with headshots in a single round
Weapon Specialist
Desert Eagle Expert: Kill 200 enemies with the Desert Eagle
P2000 Expert: Kill 200 enemies with the P2000
Glock-18 Expert: Kill 200 enemies with the Glock-18
P250 Expert: Kill 200 enemies with the P250
Dual Berettas Expert: Kill 100 enemies with the Dual Berettas
Five-SeveN Expert: Kill 100 enemies with the Five-SeveN
AWP Expert: Kill 1,000 enemies with the AWP
AK-47 Expert: Kill 1,000 enemies with the AK-47
M4A4 Expert: Kill 1,000 enemies with the M4A4
AUG Expert: Kill 500 enemies with the AUG
SG553 Expert : Kill 500 enemies with the SG553
SCAR-20 Expert: Kill 500 enemies with the SCAR-20
Galil AR Expert: Kill 500 enemies with the Galil AR
FAMAS Expert: Kill 500 enemies with the FAMAS
SSG 08 Expert: Kill 1,000 enemies with the SSG 08
G3SG1 Expert: Kill 500 enemies with the G3SG1
P90 Expert: Kill 1,000 enemies with the P90
MP7 Expert: Kill 1,000 enemies with the MP7
MP9 Expert: Kill 500 enemies with the MP9
MAC-10 Expert: Kill 500 enemies with the MAC-10
UMP-45 Expert: Kill 1,000 enemies with the UMP-45
Nova Expert: Kill 200 enemies with the Nova
XM1014 Expert : Kill 200 enemies with the XM1014
MAG-7 Expert: Kill 200 enemies with the MAG-7
M249 Expert: Kill 500 enemies with the M249
Negev Expert: Kill 500 enemies with the Negev
Tec-9 Expert: Kill 100 enemies with the Tec-9
Sawed Off Expert: Kill 200 enemies with the Sawed Off
PP Bizon Expert: Kill 500 enemies with the PP Bizon
Knife Expert: Kill 100 enemies with the knife
HE Grenade Expert: Kill 500 enemies with the HE grenade.
Flame Expert : Kill 500 enemies with the Molotov or Incendiary grenade.
Premature Burial : Kill an enemy with a grenade after dying.
Pistol Master: Unlock all Pistol kill achievements
Rifle Master: Unlock all rifle kill achievements
Sub-Machine Gun Master: Unlock all sub-machine gun kill achievements
Shotgun Master: Unlock all shotgun kill achievements
Master At Arms : Unlock every weapon kill achievement.
Zeus x27 Expert: Kill 100 enemy players with the Zeus x2
Global Expertise
Italy Map Veteran: Win 100 rounds on Italy
Office Map Veteran: Win 100 rounds on Office
Aztec Map Veteran: Win 100 rounds on Aztec
Dust Map Veteran: Win 100 rounds on Dust
Dust2 Map Veteran: Win 100 rounds on Dust2
Inferno Map Veteran: Win 100 rounds on Inferno
Nuke Map Veteran: Win 100 rounds on Nuke
Train Map Veteran: Win 100 rounds on Train
Shoots Vet : Win five matches in Arms Race mode on Shoots
Baggage Claimer : Win five matches in Arms Race mode on Baggage
Vacation : Win five matches on Lake
My House : Win five matches on Safehouse.
Run of the Mill : Win five matches on Sugarcane.
Shack Attack : Win five matches on St. Marc
Bank On It : Win five matches on Bank
Shorttrain Map Veteran : Win five matches on Shorttrain
A World of Pane : Shoot out 14 windows in a single round on Office
Mad Props : Break 15 props in a single round.
Arsenal Mode
Tourist - Play a round on every Arsenal Mode map.
Denied!: Kill a player who is on knife level
Marksman: Win a round on each Arsenal mode map
Rampage!: Win a match of Arms Race without dying
FIRST!: Be the first player to get a kill in an Arsenal Mode match
One Shot One Kill: Kill 3 players consecutively by using only first bullet in your current weapon
Conservationist: Win an Arms Race match without having to reload any of your weapons
Short Fuse: Plant 5 bombs in Demolition mode.
Quick Cut: Defuse 5 bombs in Demolition mode.
First Thing First: Defeat the entire terrorist squad before the bomb can be planted in Demolition mode
Target Secured: Defeat the entire counter-terrorist squad before your team plants the bomb in Demolition mode
Born Ready: Get a kill with the first bullet after respawn protection ends
Base Scamper: Kill a respawning player just as their spawn protection ends
Knife on Knife: Kill a player who is on knife level with your knife
Level Playing Field: Kill a player who is on knife level with a sub-machine gun
Seppuku: Suicide while on knife level
Still Alive: Survive more than 30 seconds with less than 10 health
Practice Practice Practice: Play 100 matches of Arsenal Mode
Gun Collector: Play 500 matches of Arsenal Mode
King of the Kill: Play 5000 matches of Arsenal Mode
Bring a Knife to a Gunfight: Win 1 match of Arsenal Mode
Keep on Stabbin: Win 25 matches of Arsenal Mode
Kill of the Century: Win 100 matches of Arsenal Mode
The Professional: Win 500 matches of Arsenal Mode
Cold Pizza Eater: Win 1000 matches of Arsenal Mode
Repeat Offender: Dominate an enemy
Decimator: Dominate ten enemies
Insurgent: Kill an enemy who is dominating you
Can’t Keep a Good Man Down: Kill 20 enemies who are dominating you
Overkill: Kill an enemy whom you are already dominating
Command and Control: Kill 100 enemies whom you are already dominating
Ten Angry Men: Kill 10 enemies you are already dominating during a single match
Excessive Brutality: Kill an enemy whom you are dominating four additional times
Hat Trick: Dominate three enemies simultaneously
Avenging Angel : Kill an enemy who has killed a player on your friends list in the same round.
What I mean by eyecandy.
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